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Very up cheering, nothing to do with crosswords though 5 rosalind 5th April 2020, 11:37
» by rosalind
Everyman crossword No 3,834 1 clarkgwent 5th April 2020, 01:07
» by clarkgwent
TIMES 27,630 7 gooner 4th April 2020, 22:20
» by chips
Agriword last 2 4 swag2001 4th April 2020, 20:19
» by swag2001
Times cryptic jumbo 1432 3 grahamr 4th April 2020, 17:13
» by malone
A Telegraph book 4 kitkat 4th April 2020, 16:08
» by kitkat
Peer Review 431 80 kt17 4th April 2020, 10:39
» by fieryjack
LISTENER 4601 1 tatters 4th April 2020, 07:32
» by simond9x
EV 1428 12 bigf 3rd April 2020, 17:38
» by malone
Linkword 2 rays 3rd April 2020, 17:37
» by rays
Old Harpers 4 brendan 3rd April 2020, 12:29
» by rosalind
Old Listener 7 brendan 3rd April 2020, 06:35
» by malone
Metro Thurs 3 loubyloo10 2nd April 2020, 19:54
» by malone
CORONA 5 kadhri 2nd April 2020, 16:01
» by kadhri
RTE Guide no. 15 5 laurel 2nd April 2020, 15:19
» by malone
Private Eye 674 3 johnt 2nd April 2020, 12:03
» by malone
Private Eye 674 3 johnt 2nd April 2020, 11:57
» by malone
D.mail wed 2 audel 2nd April 2020, 11:36
» by audel
D.mail wed 10 audel 2nd April 2020, 11:35
» by malone
i Cryptic 2855 5 diablos 2nd April 2020, 11:18
» by malone
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