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The Spectator 2453 13 lecrack 23rd April 2020, 06:32
» by cocobunny
FT 16454 2 laurel 22nd April 2020, 21:12
» by rossim
Choc-stock 26 malcolmxword 22nd April 2020, 15:28
» by fieryjack
Ditloid help 1 worthy 22nd April 2020, 14:51
» by mamya
Clue of the Week - The Week 1205 3 momc 22nd April 2020, 14:29
» by malone
i 2872 - Last one 3 david w 22nd April 2020, 13:27
» by david w
Life and Style 1586 5 tibaud 22nd April 2020, 10:30
» by chips
CLUELESS? 7 paul 21st April 2020, 22:38
» by mattrom
@Kilgore Trout 0 kt17 21st April 2020, 22:35
» by kt17
Inquisitor 1643 64 malone 21st April 2020, 21:38
» by malone
ST 4899 3 shipwreck 21st April 2020, 21:04
» by chips
Times T2 #1434 Two overlapping clues 6 michael 21st April 2020, 18:46
» by michael
Guardian Prize 28,111 35 brendan 21st April 2020, 10:13
» by lumen
Viz 295 rude 16 hijinx 21st April 2020, 05:39
» by robthepom
(A-L) Answers up to Clueless 470, Peer Review 433, Weekend Peer Review 24 5 mattrom 21st April 2020, 03:36
» by dorrien
Viz 295 care rude words 5 woodshederic2 20th April 2020, 19:40
» by woodshederic2
Viz 295. Care RUDE words 4 woodshederic2 20th April 2020, 19:04
» by woodshederic2
ST4899 8 anriard 20th April 2020, 14:47
» by malone
Times Ctossword No. 27,642 3 rocketman 20th April 2020, 12:21
» by rusty
Can't see the wood for the trees 10 betty 20th April 2020, 11:46
» by rusty
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