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Linkword 3 rays 7th April 2020, 19:56
» by tyke51
LISTENER 4600 54 tatters 7th April 2020, 15:41
» by mooncow
The Herald crossword download 1 seamus, ayrshire 7th April 2020, 08:44
» by seamus, ayrshire
Guardian 28,101 7 brendan 7th April 2020, 03:21
» by mattrom
ST 4897 2 shipwreck 6th April 2020, 17:47
» by andyc
Mephisto 3110 2 kenhiggs 6th April 2020, 17:29
» by kenhiggs
st 4897 4 laurel 6th April 2020, 16:09
» by mamya
The Week 1203 2 halifaxandrew 6th April 2020, 14:47
» by halifaxandrew
Everyman 3,834 26 brendan 6th April 2020, 13:03
» by brendan
14ac 1 elef27 6th April 2020, 12:43
» by stevie gee
Guardian Prize 28,099 37 mathi 6th April 2020, 07:22
» by frsteve
WEEKEND PR 69 tatters 6th April 2020, 00:25
» by hannah
Observer 3834: last two. 2 johnpuzzle 5th April 2020, 20:30
» by stevie gee
Sunday Express Skeleton 5 April 3 myla 5th April 2020, 19:36
» by spoffy
Wee Stinker 4th April 12 seamus, ayrshire 5th April 2020, 18:44
» by ian
Times Ctossword No. 27,630 6 rocketman 5th April 2020, 18:33
» by rocketman
NEMO 0 paul 5th April 2020, 17:34
» by paul
Inquisitor 1641 37 granama1 5th April 2020, 14:10
» by aslac
The Spectator 2451 6 lecrack 5th April 2020, 13:19
» by brendan
alphapuzzle sunday 2 manudave 5th April 2020, 13:10
» by manudave
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