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Challenger Cryptic Crossword 2 fuelos 7th January 2021, 19:34
» by fuelos
EV 1468 12 alwayspuzzled 7th January 2021, 17:30
» by brendan
Cryptic Quiz - Job, Trade or Profession 1 crossray 7th January 2021, 16:00
» by malone
Spectator 2488 5 unclued 7th January 2021, 14:14
» by malone
Guardian Cryptic 7 January 6 lucubrator 7th January 2021, 11:25
» by jono
Cryptic Crossword Clues 4 a19327 7th January 2021, 08:10
» by a19327
Transport 4 epsh42 7th January 2021, 04:00
» by hotelwhiskey7
CLUELESS 508 64 jono 6th January 2021, 23:33
» by paul
Life & Style 1623 3 linton 6th January 2021, 10:53
» by rossim
3 letter word 5 redhotcash 5th January 2021, 18:36
» by brendan
Telegraph prize. 1 gillysgaff 5th January 2021, 16:54
» by malone
Fishing 1 kingfisher 5th January 2021, 12:33
» by rusty
Letter from America Quiz 6 betty 5th January 2021, 10:54
» by betty
Bare Bones 3 marj 4th January 2021, 18:27
» by jono
Everyman 3,873 41 brendan 4th January 2021, 17:47
» by kitabu
Inquisitor 1680 56 kirky 4th January 2021, 17:43
» by nelson
Weekend Peer Review 61 93 dorrien 4th January 2021, 13:42
» by paul
Crowning Glories: Answers relate to hair and styling, hats, headwear, people/designers, venues, etc. 0 bill 4th January 2021, 11:38
» by bill
104 down 4 arsenal71 4th January 2021, 11:13
» by todorovia
YP1818 4 yorkie 3rd January 2021, 20:31
» by shooty
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