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rte guide christmas crossword 8 eibhlin 27th December 2017, 14:43
» by eibhlin
irish times xmas crosaire 5 laurel 27th December 2017, 14:41
» by enzer
i Cryptic 2148 8 diablos 27th December 2017, 12:37
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Tools and small machines quiz 6 clairestevens 27th December 2017, 11:43
» by rabbitlover
irish times chequered flag crossword 22 diana1950 27th December 2017, 10:30
» by rusty
T26919 3 krum 27th December 2017, 10:22
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Inquisitor 1522 24 xwordfan 27th December 2017, 10:06
» by laertes
I cryptic 1 thomas 27th December 2017, 09:42
» by rusty
Stumped on a couple crossword answers 0 luckygirl 27th December 2017, 00:32
» by luckygirl
SWEPost Cryptic 10 colin (swansea jack) 26th December 2017, 23:02
» by shooty
Telegraph clue explanation 1 jim666 26th December 2017, 21:52
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RT Christmas Crossword 3 chopper erk 26th December 2017, 21:39
» by chopper erk
Rail Issue 842 3 ac1976 26th December 2017, 20:12
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Sunday Times 4778 6 duffer 26th December 2017, 17:12
» by shooty
Private eye Xmas crossword 4 pepsi1000 26th December 2017, 17:03
» by pepsi1000
Chequered Flag Xword 4 wolfhound 26th December 2017, 15:34
» by wolfhound
St4778 9 pollyanna 26th December 2017, 15:30
» by malone
Re: song title 1 izzet 26th December 2017, 15:17
» by malone
Chequered Flag -Sport Puzzle. 5 joe 90 26th December 2017, 12:34
» by joe 90
i Cryptic 2147 10 diablos 26th December 2017, 12:22
» by david w
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