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Everyman 3 mattie 5th March 2018, 19:11
» by malone
S/mail £100 crossword 3 jinty 5th March 2018, 14:57
» by rossim
i Cryptic 2206 5 diablos 5th March 2018, 12:41
» by diablos
I cryptic 7 thomas 5th March 2018, 11:59
» by skyewalker
Sunday Express Skeleton 4 March 3 loverman 5th March 2018, 11:23
» by loverman
Times2 2 elephant 5th March 2018, 10:41
» by elephant
The Sunday puzzles March 4 3 annilee11 5th March 2018, 00:13
» by annilee11
Cryptic clue alpha puzzle 5 ollyblue 4th March 2018, 22:27
» by malone
Times 1311 Got SPHERE for 16 across - Class take this after dope - but can't see why? 6 philm 4th March 2018, 19:35
» by philm
SWEPost Cryptic 5 colin (swansea jack) 4th March 2018, 17:55
» by chrise
St4788 11 steve 4th March 2018, 17:14
» by mamya
everyman 3725 11 kathykale 4th March 2018, 16:43
» by rusty
Times 26976 5 hal o the wynd 4th March 2018, 16:36
» by rusty
Sunday Herald why is it always the last one 13 mmairm 4th March 2018, 16:31
» by jazzgirl
Express skeleton 2 april 4th March 2018, 16:26
» by chrise
Skeleton Sunday express 4 birthday girl 4th March 2018, 13:19
» by birthday girl
ST 4788 6 hallgreening 4th March 2018, 13:19
» by grimalkin
Scotland on Sunday 5 john 4th March 2018, 11:54
» by mamya
Herald GK 2 gordon 4th March 2018, 11:37
» by zeeleeda
I 2205 3 april 4th March 2018, 11:15
» by rossim
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