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TLS 1224 4 xwordfan 5th May 2018, 08:00
» by highbury57
Daily Mail 2 jayne 5th May 2018, 00:57
» by mattrom
Bristol Post 2 ann - bristol 4th May 2018, 22:50
» by ann - bristol
Last clue -need some help 2 brahan 4th May 2018, 21:46
» by brahan
Cryptic Clue 8 milna 4th May 2018, 18:25
» by aristophanes
Speccie 2357 18 jadzia49 4th May 2018, 16:49
» by farr
Anagrammer 8 icauser44 4th May 2018, 15:33
» by icauser44
the learning curve quiz 4 marg77 4th May 2018, 14:45
» by marg77
N_N_N 2 whetstone 4th May 2018, 13:38
» by whetstone
Wee Stinker 28th April 27 skyewalker 4th May 2018, 12:41
» by mildred
i Cryptic 2258 7 diablos 4th May 2018, 11:16
» by diablos
AZED 2394 2 alto 4th May 2018, 10:11
» by alto
CLUELESS 369 41 ginge 3rd May 2018, 11:04
» by fieryjack
i Cryptic 2257 5 diablos 3rd May 2018, 10:30
» by diablos
Supermarket 2 kingfisher 3rd May 2018, 10:18
» by andyc
LAST ONE EYE 624 - help! 3 big al 3rd May 2018, 07:36
» by rusty
Times Jumbo cryptic 1320 36 across 2 alland 2nd May 2018, 21:35
» by alland
Everyman 3733 1a Parsing 9 saltyolddog 2nd May 2018, 21:32
» by cerasus
DT 28,701 but why 2 billy,naas 2nd May 2018, 20:40
» by billy,naas
Last answer 6,3 3 radshaz 2nd May 2018, 18:47
» by rusty
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