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Times Jumbo 1321 2 mtthebin 6th May 2018, 12:19
» by mtthebin
Everyman 5 thomas 6th May 2018, 11:39
» by elle
i Cryptic 2259 5 diablos 6th May 2018, 11:22
» by elle
Times 27030 26 across 4 stob 6th May 2018, 10:36
» by stob
Azed 2395 2 jadzia49 6th May 2018, 10:27
» by jacknatter
ST4797 4 anriard 6th May 2018, 10:06
» by anriard
Guardian Prize by Arachne 46 chrise 6th May 2018, 09:09
» by leapy
words ending in "ate" 6 ernie 5th May 2018, 22:49
» by stevie gee
Polymath 967 28 April 5 cresson 5th May 2018, 22:02
» by malone
FT Polymath 968: 05 May 6 cresson 5th May 2018, 21:58
» by brendan
local crossword 3 mirador 5th May 2018, 21:52
» by elle
PEER REVIEW 332 60 mattrom 5th May 2018, 17:12
» by dorrien
£150 crossword Daily record 5 beth 5th May 2018, 16:44
» by elle
Superquick 852 4 wontel 5th May 2018, 16:10
» by jazzgirl
Superquick 852 5 wontel 5th May 2018, 13:02
» by wontel
EV 1328 38 kt17 5th May 2018, 13:02
» by malone
I Cryptic 2259 4 diablos 5th May 2018, 12:34
» by diablos
Times 27030 5 smiffy 5th May 2018, 11:50
» by jazzgirl
YP 1679 8 linton 5th May 2018, 10:06
» by rusty
I cryptic 3 thomas 5th May 2018, 09:31
» by thomas
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