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Mephisto 2538 4 beth 22nd April 2009, 14:07
» by beth
Software for compiling crosswords 1 uki53 22nd April 2009, 01:17
» by big dave
put your house in order 8 lizzyminto 22nd April 2009, 01:16
» by tina
Last clue in next week's RT Crossword 5 tim steele 21st April 2009, 23:56
» by billyboy
Milton Mystery 3 billyboy 21st April 2009, 22:15
» by billyboy
another word for "applications" 5 vjshnkr 21st April 2009, 19:52
» by coline
S magazine xword 2 lollipopadopalus 21st April 2009, 19:40
» by lollipopadopalus
AZED 1925 4 jerry 21st April 2009, 19:39
» by jerry
Times Jumbo 810 5 andrew 21st April 2009, 19:37
» by andrew
Mephisto 2538 10 jerry 21st April 2009, 16:02
» by alan
Times2 No. 4819 2 geordie kermit 21st April 2009, 12:56
» by geordie ker,mit
times 2 crossword 2 pjc 21st April 2009, 10:37
» by pjc
More wee stinker 2 stewartry 21st April 2009, 08:12
» by stewartry
combination form meaning:having few(5) 3 vjshnkr87 21st April 2009, 04:03
» by vjshnkr
Hit songs 13 danny 21st April 2009, 00:17
» by jimb
wee stinker 3 norm 20th April 2009, 23:47
» by campanilla
birds 2 schooldaze 20th April 2009, 22:43
» by schooldaze
times 2 jumbo 810 2 rabbit 20th April 2009, 21:20
» by rabbit
Daily Mail answers where the logic escapes me 2 pooksahib 20th April 2009, 19:25
» by pooksahib
Put Your House in Order 5 beesure 20th April 2009, 17:17
» by lizzyminto
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