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words that sound the same 9 schooldaze 28th April 2009, 19:01
» by schooldaze
colours 14 chuckle 28th April 2009, 17:32
» by john (from arran)
Clue: Slang head 3 alan2204 28th April 2009, 17:27
» by eleanormcn
sir lancelot mail on sunday 1 theresa 28th April 2009, 17:27
» by big dave
mos crossword 4 krisstoff 28th April 2009, 17:19
» by big dave
Need help with crossword 2 mike risbridger 28th April 2009, 17:05
» by christine entwistle
crosswords 0 mike 28th April 2009, 15:18
» by mike
Cross word clue 2 mike risbridger 28th April 2009, 15:11
» by mike risbridger
Mephisto 2539 3 jerry 28th April 2009, 14:28
» by laura
Local Quiz - Movie questions. 7 dougglos 28th April 2009, 12:16
» by dougglos
Times 24,210 - Apr 27th 3 geordie kermit 28th April 2009, 11:16
» by geordie kermit
Times2 4824 - Apr 27th 5 geordie kermit 28th April 2009, 11:05
» by geordie kermit
times2 no 811 7 brownowl 27th April 2009, 23:03
» by coline
Times cryptic 811 5 oscar 27th April 2009, 19:29
» by oscar
ST Puzzle Extra Prize Crossword 2 zeebee 27th April 2009, 19:19
» by zeebee
DT 25,912 5 alexander 27th April 2009, 19:17
» by alexander
missing clue for the week 7 gilbert onion 27th April 2009, 17:57
» by jimb
telegraph quick 27/04 3 bull 27th April 2009, 15:45
» by bull
Azed 1926 3 ken 27th April 2009, 15:35
» by ken
places in UK 5 6 5 esmeralda 27th April 2009, 14:54
» by esmeralda
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