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Put Your House in Order 6 boobun 19th April 2009, 16:09
» by boobun
ST 4325 2 des 19th April 2009, 14:24
» by des
Explanation ? 2 dawn paylor 19th April 2009, 14:22
» by me
Saturday Times Jumbo 810 Times2 2 cliffb 19th April 2009, 14:14
» by jimb
new means 2 afzal 19th April 2009, 13:47
» by jimb
DT25906 2 gerald 19th April 2009, 12:31
» by gerald
DT 25 906 26a & 27d 2 chris 19th April 2009, 12:24
» by chris
DT cryptic 25906 2 puzzled 19th April 2009, 11:45
» by puzzled
last clue 1 dave 19th April 2009, 10:48
» by big dave
Times 24203 2 studio51 19th April 2009, 10:13
» by studio51
local xword 1 dawn paylor 19th April 2009, 10:06
» by big dave
Sunday Times 5 diana 18th April 2009, 22:46
» by lizhusbands
Last clue ?? 4 dawn 18th April 2009, 21:40
» by dawn paylor
DT25906 5 ros 18th April 2009, 21:34
» by ros
Saturday Times Jumbo 808Times 2 clues 7 katie 18th April 2009, 21:10
» by big dave
Times 24203 3 may 18th April 2009, 20:44
» by may
Saturday Times Jumbo 808 "Times 2 clues" 2 anna 18th April 2009, 19:46
» by anna
GK Crossword - last clue 2 mal 18th April 2009, 18:18
» by paddy d
Many? 2 shaz 18th April 2009, 17:01
» by shaz
last clue in crossword! 2 shaz 18th April 2009, 16:58
» by big dave
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