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DT 25,912 15 Down help please 2 anthony 27th April 2009, 12:30
» by anthony
DT 25,912 12 ac 3 tony 27th April 2009, 11:54
» by tony
ST 4326, 25 down 2 ali 27th April 2009, 10:48
» by ali
RTE Guide C/W No: 1123 5 rufina stephenson 27th April 2009, 10:32
» by jimc
MoS C/W No: 1383 3 rufina stephenson 27th April 2009, 01:16
» by big dave
DT25912 4 kate 26th April 2009, 22:47
» by chris
Yorks.Post. 2 yorkie 26th April 2009, 22:01
» by yorkie
puzzled ? 2 puzzled 26th April 2009, 21:59
» by trevor
Costly Clue! 2 cupro 26th April 2009, 21:56
» by cupro
Well -Known Novels. Some old, some new. 12 wombat 26th April 2009, 21:48
» by wombat
Telegraph £500 Prize Crossword - One Left! 2 caravaggio 26th April 2009, 21:44
» by caravaggio
One animal or another? 2 bill 26th April 2009, 21:38
» by bill
last clue 1 alice 26th April 2009, 21:35
» by caravaggio
Sunday Business Post 26th April 2009 2 sumi 26th April 2009, 20:57
» by sumi
sir lancelot crossword 2 sheila 26th April 2009, 20:11
» by s
ST4326 6 headprior 26th April 2009, 19:22
» by headprior
Times jumbo cryptic 811 3 trevor 26th April 2009, 19:01
» by trevor
last clue 3 dawn 26th April 2009, 18:29
» by lizzyminto
Help needed 2 dave 26th April 2009, 18:02
» by shottsjimmy
Bare Bones 369 4 studio51 26th April 2009, 17:54
» by studio51
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