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Mail on Sunday 2 goatboy 3rd May 2009, 14:04
» by goatboy
DT 25918 13 across 3 geoff 3rd May 2009, 11:27
» by bob
Swinging Sixties Quiz 6 polly dee 3rd May 2009, 11:21
» by big dave
need help with cryptic 2 poppy 3rd May 2009, 04:48
» by the joker
YoU Mag. C/W 1124 1 rufina stephenson 2nd May 2009, 23:17
» by jimb
Times 24,215 2 smcn 2nd May 2009, 22:00
» by smcn
Thanks 0 trickster 2nd May 2009, 21:46
» by trickster
Help needed! 24 phil 2nd May 2009, 20:37
» by phil
Billericay lions love song quiz 2 lizzyminto 2nd May 2009, 19:46
» by lizzyminto
Message for JaimeBe - Come out, come out wherever you are... 40 campanilla 2nd May 2009, 19:06
» by jimb
Times Jumbo Cryptic 812 12 jonny 2nd May 2009, 17:58
» by trevor
DT 25,918 1 pix 2nd May 2009, 17:53
» by caravaggio
Stuck!! 1 sal 2nd May 2009, 15:37
» by trevor
times2 44across 1 lucy 2nd May 2009, 14:28
» by lucy
Times 24,215 2 jerry 2nd May 2009, 14:21
» by jerry
DT25918 22a 1 leon 2nd May 2009, 13:23
» by chris
DT25,918 2 trickster 2nd May 2009, 13:13
» by leon
DT 25 918 11d & 21d 2 chris 2nd May 2009, 13:05
» by chris
Apparently its a method of transport or something that moves 0 issue from elerhants trunk (8) 2nd May 2009, 12:18
» by issue from elerhants trunk (8)
Food and drink quiz 14 suesan 2nd May 2009, 00:42
» by campanilla
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