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DT 25924 - 20 down 2 jan 10th May 2009, 09:22
» by jan
Quiz break three 10 julie 10th May 2009, 09:04
» by julie
Herald Sports 2 dib 10th May 2009, 07:06
» by caravaggio
DT 25924 1 tc 10th May 2009, 01:11
» by big dave
DT 23 ac. 6 catherine 10th May 2009, 00:38
» by big dave
RT20 4 andrew 10th May 2009, 00:20
» by andrew
Irish News crossword - cryptic in style - have been at it for a while. If you feel like helping me out, do so, if not, scroll off!! 33 phil 10th May 2009, 00:12
» by campanilla
I was going to ask a question but... 6 catherine 9th May 2009, 23:58
» by jimc
Quiz Break Three 3 suesan 9th May 2009, 22:59
» by jimc
Times 24221 2 may 9th May 2009, 22:41
» by may
crossword clue 5 ken turner 9th May 2009, 21:05
» by trevor
Something in the house 7 chrissie p 9th May 2009, 19:51
» by chrissie p
piece of furniture 3 chrissie p 9th May 2009, 17:21
» by chrissie p
TELEGRAPH QUICKY 3 pauline 9th May 2009, 16:45
» by kena
Stuck again!! 6 phil 9th May 2009, 16:21
» by phil
Save the children colour quiz 21 julie 9th May 2009, 14:18
» by smouse
Answers connected to dance 20 julie 9th May 2009, 14:16
» by mamya
DT 25924 4 geoff 9th May 2009, 14:01
» by geoff
The Week 645 2 wombat 9th May 2009, 14:01
» by wombat
DT 21 across 2 arthur 9th May 2009, 13:20
» by caravaggio
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