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DT 25,936 Last two 6 ash 23rd May 2009, 22:42
» by ash
DT 25936 3 torvic 23rd May 2009, 22:06
» by jimb
House Quiz 44 gingerhendry 23rd May 2009, 22:03
» by jimb
Times 24,233 7 eleanormcn 23rd May 2009, 21:38
» by torvic
Irish News Crossword 2 phil 23rd May 2009, 20:29
» by phil
?? 1 johnathan 23rd May 2009, 17:47
» by torvic
Crossword Help 1 maureen 23rd May 2009, 17:46
» by torvic
Can anyone help please? 1 bert 23rd May 2009, 17:43
» by torvic
Saturday Telegraph 25,936 3 liz 23rd May 2009, 17:34
» by liz
Cryptic Games 3 trevor001 23rd May 2009, 16:13
» by helena
Ladies first quiz 4 julie 23rd May 2009, 16:02
» by julie
Wildflowers & weeds 17 jaybe 23rd May 2009, 15:53
» by helena
confectionery quiz 3 nibbles 23rd May 2009, 15:48
» by nibbles
DT 25936 4 geoff 23rd May 2009, 15:02
» by lea
a-z of sport quiz 5 julie 23rd May 2009, 14:54
» by julie
The Week Crossword 647 4 wombat 23rd May 2009, 14:02
» by wombat
TELEGRAPH 2 pauline 23rd May 2009, 13:25
» by pauline
Cryptic UK place name 5 chuckle 23rd May 2009, 03:22
» by t
crossword jumble 5 trish 23rd May 2009, 03:02
» by the joker
Swinging Sixties Quiz 15 polly dee 23rd May 2009, 01:52
» by trevor
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