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6 down 2 anneb 17th May 2009, 11:51
» by rl
You Magazine Crossword no; 1,126 5 em 17th May 2009, 11:10
» by arf
16 A and 14 D to finish 2 t 25930 17th May 2009, 09:13
» by glwadys
DT 25,930 2 old timer 17th May 2009, 09:07
» by old timer
saturday stumper 2 sheila 17th May 2009, 09:04
» by sheila
Cryptic Jumbo 815 2 jerry 17th May 2009, 08:38
» by jerry
Spectator 1914 10 endanger 17th May 2009, 00:58
» by jimc
cryptic help please 2 katz 16th May 2009, 23:24
» by katz
cryptic clue help please 21 katz 16th May 2009, 21:57
» by jimb
Irish News Crossword 9 phil 16th May 2009, 18:34
» by phil
DT 25,930 2 jan 16th May 2009, 18:23
» by jan
DT prize 4 max 16th May 2009, 17:54
» by arthur
DT 5930 2 kenneth turner 16th May 2009, 17:00
» by kenneth
The week crossword 645 2 mike 16th May 2009, 16:57
» by mike
Sat 15th DT Cryptic 1 yoshik 16th May 2009, 14:41
» by caravaggio
RT 21 - 22 across 3 tim steele 16th May 2009, 14:34
» by caravaggio
TELEGRAPH QUICKY 2 pauline 16th May 2009, 13:31
» by trevor
guardian crossword 2 fred 16th May 2009, 12:45
» by fred
T2 Jumbo Clue 27 down 2 suehutchins 16th May 2009, 12:29
» by suehutchins
On the menu - Food quiz 19 suesan 16th May 2009, 09:47
» by jimc
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