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Topic Replies Started by Last post
RT23 4 a 30th May 2009, 16:28
» by jonny
Irish New Crossword 2 phil 30th May 2009, 15:09
» by phil
DT 25942 25 ac and 23 dn 4 geoff 30th May 2009, 14:57
» by robert
DT 25 942 3 becks 30th May 2009, 14:42
» by becks
a town in the north west any help plz 1 j evans 30th May 2009, 13:07
» by jimc
Mephisto 2543 3 angie 30th May 2009, 11:55
» by angie
Very last clue 2 calvin 30th May 2009, 11:16
» by calvin
DT.25942 1 studio51 30th May 2009, 10:24
» by glwadys
RT23 last clue 6 deekay 29th May 2009, 18:04
» by sue
weird heritage site 1 kdl 29th May 2009, 17:03
» by caravaggio
a duck? a river? 2 harveybabes 29th May 2009, 10:54
» by harveybabes
Rhyming answers 9 quizaddict 29th May 2009, 10:12
» by polly dee
cross word help 3 smudge 29th May 2009, 08:49
» by jimc
Times Jumbo 817 5 jim 28th May 2009, 22:57
» by eleanormcn
put your hous in order 36 rustypin 28th May 2009, 20:22
» by john (from arran)
2 clues needed 3 jo 28th May 2009, 19:11
» by jools
lancelot mos 2 krisstoff 28th May 2009, 17:12
» by krisstoff
lancelot mos. 2 krisstoff 28th May 2009, 15:12
» by krisstoff
need help 15 jo 28th May 2009, 14:21
» by jo
Daily Mail answers where the logic evades me 6 pooksahib 28th May 2009, 13:14
» by pooksahib
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