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mos lancelot crossword 1 krisstoff 19th May 2009, 17:19
» by the joker
lancelot crossword mos. 2 krisstoff 19th May 2009, 17:13
» by krisstoff
Ditloids 10 mysterygal 19th May 2009, 15:50
» by mysterygal
Mephisto 2542 4 jimc 19th May 2009, 15:46
» by jerry
Commercial breaks 4 nibbles 19th May 2009, 14:13
» by nibbles
no help needed, but a suggestion to improve this site, what do others think 46 frustrated!!! 19th May 2009, 12:53
» by cleopatra
who wrote the lyrics 2 lizzyminto 19th May 2009, 11:54
» by lizzyminto
womans weekly 19 may prize puzzle 2 chris 18th May 2009, 22:03
» by chris
Daily Mail answers where the logic evades me 4 pooksahib 18th May 2009, 21:14
» by trevor
Times 24,227 2 anna 18th May 2009, 20:42
» by anna
Times Crossword 24,227 2 chris 18th May 2009, 20:20
» by chris
Daily Mail answers where the logic escapes me 4 pooksahib 18th May 2009, 19:48
» by pooksahib
Rainbow quiz Put your House in Order 4 ricardo 18th May 2009, 19:24
» by howitworks
DT 25931 - last clue! 2 pauline 18th May 2009, 17:49
» by pauline
Times 24227 10 studio51 18th May 2009, 16:41
» by kenj
MoS C/W No: 1386. I've only one to crack. Thanks people. 2 rufina stephenson 18th May 2009, 16:12
» by helena
Error not admitted by S. Times? 9 paul 18th May 2009, 15:59
» by paul
Observer 17th 14d 5 grandsire 18th May 2009, 15:55
» by jimc
Times Crossword 24,227 (saturday) 2 trevor 18th May 2009, 14:30
» by trevor
ST 4329 1 ruth hutchinson 18th May 2009, 12:49
» by the alchemist
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