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2nd March 2025, 12:34
I usually have a problem with four letter words !
This time it's 22d. The definition is clear but what is the parsing?
Any hints gratefully received
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2nd March 2025, 13:05
CD - How would Everyman refer to himself (2)? Then an abbreviation of tense (1). With a hint of anger - i.e. one letter - 'hiding' in the middle. Then 'reject' the whole thing - i.e. flip it around.
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2nd March 2025, 13:11
Could anyone help us parse 9a? We have the answer but can't at all figure out how it gets there - I'm guessing a reversal?

Otherwise this week was feeling like a write-in, up until a very very sticky NW corner.
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2nd March 2025, 13:13
Jimnfin, not a reversal. Try switching the first letter to a different ‘side’…
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2nd March 2025, 15:00
Found this one ok. Fairly quick fill in, just a couple of parsings that I couldn't fathom but the answer was pretty clear.
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2nd March 2025, 15:02
In answer to yours of ages ago, I’m not sure about changing the brief, as the Quiptic seems to have varied enormously in difficulty for some time now. As ianwil said, Anto is invariably very much at the hard end of the spectrum, and this was no exception.
In this case, when the NW corner yielded nothing immediately, I headed for the SW and quickly got a foothold there. For some reason I find that this happens quite often.
Anyway, sorry for the diversion from Everyman.
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2nd March 2025, 16:17
Jimnfin it's a word for a heavy defeat but with the initial letter changed from an abbreviation for one side changed to the opposite side.
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2nd March 2025, 16:26
Afternoon all. So, my first time completing Everyman after a couple of months trying. TASB. Although I say that but I can’t parse a few of them so who knows?

10a? 8d? 16a?
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2nd March 2025, 17:00
Colwn in 16a a word for most pale becomes word for most painful by swapping the second letter s (son) for c (cold). 8d a word for humorous burlesques becomes the answer by cycling (moving) the first letter to the end.
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2nd March 2025, 17:03
Definitely a slighlty trickier one! 19a and 21d still eluding me (any hints on the word play?)

I also can't see the parsing of 10a or 23a (although the answers are obvious)...

Thank you forum!
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