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16th February 2025, 00:25
Standard Everyman fare with some entertaining surfaces.
FOi: 1a
LOI: 14a
COD: 12a
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16th February 2025, 00:34
Hi Hamptonian,

Agree, very much back a usual Everyman puzzle.

Had no idea that 22a could mean "business listing" and it's not in Chambers, but Google confirms it so no complaints.

COD - I'm going for 14a simply because it made me smile:-)

Thanks to Everyman.
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16th February 2025, 00:39
Sorry, in 22a the definition is just "businesss" not 'business listing' - don't want to confuse anybody.
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16th February 2025, 01:17
Good Everyman puzzle, entertaining, neither too easy nor too difficult.
FOI 1a, LOI 7.
Lots of good clues and some pleasing surfaces.
As a geek I'll go with 16 across and down as co-COD.

I'm not sure about 24, as I believe a screwdriver is a mixed drink to which the solution doesn't apply, but probably Chambers (which I don't have) will verify it.
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16th February 2025, 02:13
Managed to solve the clues this time, but I don't grasp how the wordplay indicates the last two letters of 7D.
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16th February 2025, 02:17
It seems as if only the word *con* in the clue for 7D could correspond to the last two letters of the answer. But my resarching the word "con" and the last two letters of the answer turned up no connection that I could see.
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16th February 2025, 02:43
Hi Daz,

7d - Chambers gives one definition of the last 2 letters as "to cheat" plus it crops up a lot in barred puzzles.
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16th February 2025, 05:47
Nice start to Sunday. I liked 4d, 8a was clever. Have a good day.
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16th February 2025, 08:34
Stuck on 4d but crossers must be wrong m-r-p-t
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16th February 2025, 08:36
Yep, your p is wrong. The first letter of 12a is indicated by grand.
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