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Crossword Help Forum
Forum Rules


14th February 2025, 15:59
The clues...
Requests for help should normally include the clue itself, the number of letters in the answer and details of any you already have. Any additional information, or special instructions, common in Listener puzzles, should also be included.
HINTS only, please, no answers.

The theme...
Assistance with the theme may also be sought here. The help given should be fairly gentle, just a nudge, a pointer in the right direction - and certainly not anything that would spoil the puzzle for others. Any posts which, even inadvertently, reveal the theme are likely to be removed.

In general...
There are many regulars on the Listener threads, but newcomers are always welcome.
Unsolicited help, with clues or with the theme, will be removed.
The Listener is a unique puzzle and should be treated with respect.
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14th February 2025, 16:26
Instructions don't actually say so but I assume the letters represent digits 1-20?
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14th February 2025, 16:34
It sounds as if it's a numerical puzzle this week, so my opening doesn't really work.

The 'help' should still be fairly general, both for clues and for the theme.
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14th February 2025, 16:51
Cancel that - have now read preamble properly...
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14th February 2025, 19:12
Early days, but after a few hours, I'm stuck. I have one cell entry, and I've got the two letters that represent 0. Otherwise I can't see a way forward.

Any slight hints appreciated

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14th February 2025, 19:18
Suggest you focus next on 14a and 1, 6 and 17 down
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14th February 2025, 20:57
I'm in exactly the same place as you Dylan! I suspect we probably have the same digit entered as well!
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14th February 2025, 21:00
After just under 4 hours I have a full grid, checked and double-checked ... but I can find only 26 cells to highlight. Has anyone else found this?
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14th February 2025, 21:06
perhaps you’ve gone awry slightly - the 30 cells to highlight should be fairly obvious
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14th February 2025, 21:46
Ooh, an apparent leap forward but then a contradiction so already gone wrong somewhere...

Will try again tomorrow after a good night's sleep
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