Thankyou to Chris, Geeker, Rocky and Jono and maybe others for trying to help me with my parsing. I sort of get the theme, but I'm not entirely sure. And I don't entirely get all of your hints, but enough to confirm that I have the right answers.
I've often wondered if any of the setters check out the forum, so I was pleased to see Brockwell did. I must be more polite next time.
But I did manage to make my cake. I got it out of the oven at 11.00pm. I hope to be in less of a panic next week.
The wind is still a problem and likely to remain so tomorrow, but at least the sun will come out, so I may be able to collect my greenery in the morning. I hope you had no damage in Teignmouth Rocky. Our house faces west, so the worst of the wind was in the front garden over night, it has moved round to the north and is affecting the back garden now.