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15th November 2024, 15:53
The clues...
Requests for help should normally include the clue itself, the number of letters in the answer, and details of any you already have. Any additional information or special instructions, common in Listener puzzles, should also be included.
HINTS only, please, no answers.

The theme...
Help with the theme may also be sought here. The help given should be of a fairly gentle nature - just a nudge, a pointer in the right direction. Aim to give enough to assist a struggling solver, not so much that it spoils the puzzle for others.
Any posts which, even inadvertently, reveal too much of the theme are likely to be removed.

There are many regulars on the Listener threads, but newcomers are always welcome.

The Listener is a unique puzzle and should be treated with respect.
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15th November 2024, 18:50
Grid all filled in 2+ hours, and messages discovered ... but what on earth is the last 43-cell bit? Google seems no help. Time to watch the telly, I think, and hope that inspiration strikes.
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15th November 2024, 20:10
30 of them are obvious but the others look a bit random (as it's yet another one for the usual suspects, I'll happily leave it at that).
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15th November 2024, 20:20
if you look at the source material closely drxx, you’ll see the remaining cells match perfectly

Really enjoyed this - challenging clues, interesting theme and neat endgame

Thanks Pandiculator
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15th November 2024, 20:28
Happy to take your word for that, candledave.
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15th November 2024, 20:33
...and yes, you're right (still looks messy, though}.
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15th November 2024, 21:52
Very neat! Congratulations, Pandiculator.
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15th November 2024, 23:53
Neat, indeed. Except that 10A seems a bit unsatisfactory. I know what the answer has to be, but the clue doesn't really work for me. It's far too early for hints, I feel, so please just take that as a minor complaint rather than a request for help.
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16th November 2024, 01:13
rhsl - I hope that when you "see" 10a you'll find it as amusing as I did.
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16th November 2024, 05:06
Very clever final result, but isn't it reversed?
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