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13th September 2024, 19:49
Thanks,Alvin, glad I could help.
I fact-checked your post - 'good' is fine, 'man' definitely isn't.
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geoff marbella

15th September 2024, 21:50
4 a state axes hair it’s sinful. Please help
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15th September 2024, 22:38
It looks like TRESPASS. state, PA in hair, TRESS, but that needs an extra S at the end. Perhaps it's meant to come from 'it's'?
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15th September 2024, 22:39
Hi Geoff,

It looks like "state" = PA goes cuts into/"axes" TRESS'S "hair it's" = TRESPASS

I'm not at all confident about the parsing but am pretty sure of the answer.
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geoff marbella

16th September 2024, 09:52
Thanks for your help.
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17th September 2024, 16:34
Hi all. This is my first time on a Cyclops thread, as I usually only come here for the Guardian Prize and the Everyman. I note that, whereas in the latter two hints rather than answers are encouraged, here it seems that answers are the norm. This strikes me as a strange anomaly, especially given that the Private Eye (fat chance) is more generous than the Guardian’s.
Am I right, and if so is this a long-standing tradition?
I’m not particularly bothered as I never enter for the prizes anyway, just a bit intrigued.
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17th September 2024, 16:42
Rogissimo, I think it's actually the other way round. It's only convention that answers are not normally given on Guardian and Everyman threads! Answers are given for many of the other prize puzzles - from the Times, Telegraph, Private Eye, Spectator - and I don't think the site administrators would feel there's any place for answers to be 'banned' on the Guardian and Everyman threads. The current way, where hints are encouraged, seems to work well - and that seems fine to me. I think the only real, serious rule is that answers are not given on Listener threads.
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17th September 2024, 17:56
Thanks, Malone - interesting and helpful! I wonder why the Guardian/Observer convention is different from the others. Idle question really…
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17th September 2024, 18:23
Rogissimo, thanks. I think the Guardian/Observer convention just sort of ... evolved! It used to be that answers weren't given for the Radio Times puzzle - well, some self-appointed people decreed this! I gave an answer once, in ignorance of the 'convention', and was ticked off! That 'convention' seems to have died, faded away. The Guardian/Everyman one continues.

Norah, the site administrator, is definitely not a crossworder and she is happy when the site runs smoothly. The Guardian/Everyman threads seem to run themselves really. I think Norah would step in only if a request for an answer was greeted with a 'Not allowed'. As she has said before, this is a Crossword Help Forum. People can, of course, offer the level of help they feel is right. Some people don't give answers to prize puzzles. I give answers to most prize puzzles, though I prefer giving hints for the thematic puzzles.
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19th September 2024, 17:30
Thanks, Malone, for your very full and courteous response! Interesting how these things evolve in different directions, without any apparent rhyme or reason.
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