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11th September 2024, 15:26
Enjoyable solve, tho' perhaps more challenging than of late. COD 18a.
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11th September 2024, 16:18
Unless I have made a mistake on 15d and 19d I am stuck with - c-p for 18a. Big supporter of CID employee getting a raise.

Any help appreciated!
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11th September 2024, 17:01
Swordfish think of initials for ranks in the CID and then 2 letter synonyms for raise. And you get a supporter of large things!
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11th September 2024, 18:11
Reasonably straightforward but I appear to have an extra letter in 4a :-(
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11th September 2024, 18:18
Thanks! I now get the cup part but is it c cup or d cup. Brain now frozen!
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11th September 2024, 20:43
DC ... Detective Constable....
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11th September 2024, 21:03
D Cup. Thanks - brain freeze!
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12th September 2024, 09:39
I've one to go: 24 down: Archer's release: 'Stuff 'em!' Any ideas?
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12th September 2024, 10:12
Shaft, part of an arrow, what an archer shoots - and it also means to stuff em,do wrong by someone etc.

PS As it was your last one, it would have been useful to give the letters you already have. I've done the puzzle, so it was OK for me!
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12th September 2024, 13:53
Thanks Malone.
Now for that £100 prize. (Are you shure? - Ed.)
Neil McA
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