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21st August 2024, 16:12
Thanks, Brendan. All now clearish. My problem was 8dn. I had a different word starting with a 'W' and so this prevented me seeing the obvious poser.
91 of 103  -   Report This Post


21st August 2024, 16:23
Thanks Stacpolly, glad you've the poser of the question, although there was a country between me getting from there to the final grid with all the bells and whistles, so to speak.

Of course, and isn't this always the way, when I did get there I was bemused as to why I was initially er... so bemused:-)
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21st August 2024, 16:42
"country mile..."

Blame Malone, she's got me in a tizzy... ooh er:-)

That will make no sense to anyone, but still..
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21st August 2024, 20:04
My belated thanks to Jack Aubrey and Kitsune for their replies to my earlier post at #67. I did some more grid staring to see if there were any other 3 letters that might fit the bill for deletion but found nothing, so that is what I went with.

For what it's worth I put the entangled character in a different shade of highlighting on the basis that while the preamble says what should be highlighted, there is no instruction that other elements in the endgame mustn't be highlighted. My need to do so is probably a hangover from maths lessons to 'show your workings'.
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jack aubrey

22nd August 2024, 08:49
People really should of understood, Brendan. Even those who don’t do the EV might of.
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22nd August 2024, 11:54
I believe I have finally finished this puzzle. There are, however two aspects I am not sure about. Firstly, I do not see the significance of the title: would somebody be kind enough to enlighten me? Secondly, I am not sure whether to highlight 11 or 12 cells: I am leaning towards 12, one of which is empty: what do others think?
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22nd August 2024, 13:17
A name is derived from a Greek verb meaning “to swell,” and a Greek noun meaning “foot.” The name thus translates to “he who has a swollen foot.” This etymology is reflected in the myth that his ankles were pierced when he was abandoned as a baby.
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22nd August 2024, 13:21
I think there will have to be one cell which is highlighted, but devoid of a letter, and that this may be a "tie-breaker" for "correct" status. i.e. the sequence of the preamble is important
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22nd August 2024, 20:55
Turast, many thanks for your posts. I don't think I would ever have arrived at the explanation of the title on my own. With regard to the highlighting, I note from having re-read the preamble that the instruction to highlight the killer precedes the instruction to delete letters, so therefore I believe we should highlight an empty cell. Thanks again.
99 of 103  -   Report This Post


26th August 2024, 22:35
An intriguing puzzle, and not straightforward even knowing the thematic material. Some tricky clues, and there are just a few I can’t quite crack fully.

I don’t quite see the definition for 27, “Treatment of bullies cutting boy’s face”, how it fits the clear answer. And I can’t quite figure the wordplay for 3, “Small flap on instrument in the box close to exit”, and 35, “Shut up on stage, retiring on Duke’s exit”. If anyone can just nudge me to the finishing line with those it would be much appreciated.
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