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19th July 2024, 15:55
The clues...
Requests for help should normally include the clue itself, the number of letters in the answer, and details of any you already have. Any additional information or special instructions, common in Listener puzzles, should also be included.
Hints only, please, no answers.

The theme...
Help towards the theme may also be sought here. The intention is for the help to be of a fairly gentle nature - just a little nudge, a pointer in the right direction. The aim is to give something that will be useful to a struggling solver, while not spoiling the fun for others.
Any posts which reveal too much of the theme are likely to be removed.

There are many regulars on these Listener threads, but newcomers are always very welcome - and it's hoped that they'll find encouraging help here.

The Listener is a unique puzzle and should be treated with respect.
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19th July 2024, 20:21
Considerably tougher this week, IMO. All done, but still unclear how misprint works in 18A; and not sure I have fully parsed 20D. In due course, would welcome a nudge please.
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19th July 2024, 22:19
18a Replace the apostrophe with the required letter.
20d 'Saving' is the containment indicator - the 3rd (after adjustment) and 4th words together give the container.
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19th July 2024, 22:23
Yes, I think it was quite challenging (and fun) but I was hoping for some real action - of the kind provided by the Crossword Centre's bonus puzzle this month. The wait goes on...
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19th July 2024, 22:25
Sorry, it's the 4th (after adjustment) and 5th words for the container in 20d (maths gets me every time!}.
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19th July 2024, 23:17
I don't get the wordplay to 22acr

I seem to have enumerations for the two messages as (11, 2, 4) and (6,2,4,6) . Thus 35 letters in all, but I would think there should be an even number for the total. I'm either missing an A or have one too many A's
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19th July 2024, 23:49
buzz - it's 11,1,2,4.
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19th July 2024, 23:54
Thanks, drxx - had the wrong answer at 20D, now clear
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19th July 2024, 23:58
22A - the extra letter is in the second word. You need a word for a type of chemical backwards, then replace one-letter Germany with one-letter Luxembourg. I guess you know the clue answer anyway, and can backfill.
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20th July 2024, 01:00
I cannot see how the acrosses have 18 added/deleted letters. There are 20 clues, two of which are for crosses and one of them is normal, leaving 17.
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