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13th July 2024, 23:37
Rocky7, J’accuse! 😉
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13th July 2024, 23:42
Despite Brendan's explanation, I'm still stuck on 26a (L***A), and also on 23d (B***L*) ... perhaps a tonic sol-fa "note" in "bell", but can't get a 13d-er (as in "mistake"?) out of it. Any hints?
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13th July 2024, 23:59
It took me ages to get 26ac even with Brendan's hint. It is a woman's name and the first three letters are nothing backwards. (It helped me to get 23d first.) The second two are the ate without the husband.

23d is a 5 letter instrument with a note in it. I wasn't sure of the abbreviation for note at first. The definition is the mistake.

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14th July 2024, 00:02
Hi Rocky

I thought Germinal was terrific, though it isn't an easy read. I also liked Therese Raquin. All his books are worth reading.
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14th July 2024, 00:26
Thanks, Roof, both now solved as joint LOI!
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14th July 2024, 00:42
Amusingly, and embarrassingly, in equal mesure, I was scratching my head over the author at 10a until I saw Roof's hint (was it Roof?).

I say embarrassing, because i spent about two hours today reading his novel "The Drunkard". I'm about half way through his 20 volume Rougon Macquart series. But it still didn't jump out at me. Blimey! What am I like?
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14th July 2024, 10:08
Had a bash at this one. Helped by a strong theme and everyone on here. I was overlong on 29d as I couldn't get water companies out of my mind, 😄

Despite ChrisE's hint I still can't get 17a (went down the diamond's are a girls best pal route, until crossers thwarted that)

But also 2d where I still haven't determined which is the definition, and this always muddies my focus.
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14th July 2024, 10:22
Hi Fernie,

17a - first 2 letters are "rings" then 2 letter "hat" reversed/'about' + D(iamonds) - definition is "showed delight" (think 'cheered' or 'gasped' etc.)

2d - 4 letter "ex-president" (USA) goes around/'drinking' an anagram/'bad' of "rum's" - definition is a US slang term for "swift dismissal"
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14th July 2024, 10:24
... sorry, 2 letter "what" not 'hat'!!
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14th July 2024, 10:33
Many thanks Brendan. Think it's the first prize I've completed.
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