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13th July 2024, 08:02
Chrise 19d refers to what a ground grain might be termed roughly.

Also stuck on 4d.

Is 10a well known or is it going to take some research?
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13th July 2024, 08:05
10 is well known but hardly current! Quite a complex construction. Work an abbreviation for Australia in.

Light hasn't dawned on 19d. Perhpa I have it wrong.
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13th July 2024, 08:06
Ah! Different pronunciation in 19d
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13th July 2024, 08:07
Think of a well known ground grain. Then a three letter suffix that makes a word mean almost or roughly.
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13th July 2024, 08:09
Hi rocky7
4d is pretty straightforward, so I wonder whether you, like me at first, have misspelled the second word of 11?
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13th July 2024, 08:12
chrise - in 4d your L is wrong. I think you need to revisit the spelling of the second word in 11. I made the same mistake at first.
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13th July 2024, 08:13
That's what I've done, rogissimo. Thanks!
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13th July 2024, 08:16
Yep. Me too. Thanks Rogissimo.
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13th July 2024, 10:28
I thought this was excellent, particularly in the varied use of 13d and the link with 26,11. I have the answer but can't see the wordplay for 26a if some kind person could enlighten me please.
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13th July 2024, 10:32
26a is a reversal of [(3,3) with the first letter of the first word dropped].
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