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6th July 2024, 16:11
Never mind, PDM as I posted! Not where I was going with 4d at all and I'd never heard of it.
31 of 73  -   Report This Post


6th July 2024, 16:12
1d defn "speedier process", reversal of (3, 2, 4)
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6th July 2024, 16:13
I'd never heard of 4 either. Wrote in the rather obvious first word but took ages to parse the second. Then had to google the putative solution. It's a witty clue, though.
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6th July 2024, 16:17
Yes it made me smile. I was trying to find something Latin and failing! It was the first word I couldn't see until 1a came to me. I didn't know the 1a meaning either but makes sense once you see it. All done :-)
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6th July 2024, 16:19
1a is a rare clue for which Yanks have the advantage. The first word is common on this side of the pond, but I've seldom (if ever) seen the second word added here.
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6th July 2024, 16:28
Yes I've only ever heard it with a prefix.
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6th July 2024, 16:37
All done. Tough but really enjoyable. Thanks Imogen. Don't know 4d and can't parse it either yet. COD the very amusing 12a.
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6th July 2024, 17:01
rocky, 4d seems to be a thematic (according to my perceived theme).

Parses as 4'1, 1, 3 where the ' is apostrophe, the 1 is a number and the 3 an abbreviation.

Another witty one from Imogen.
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6th July 2024, 17:17
I’m not sure that I fully understand the parsing of 24d
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6th July 2024, 17:21
24 parsing perhaps dodgy...I settled on 1, 4 where 1 is a musical abbrev. (that would be the dodgy part) and 4 "debtor".
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