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2nd July 2024, 12:18
Yes, it’s the same Eccles.
@EcclesCrossword on Twitter/X.
31 of 49  -   Report This Post


2nd July 2024, 17:09
After scratching my head for a while, I also realized that I was using the corrected letters rather than the erroneous ones to form the hint at the needed manipulation. Doh!
After that, it was obvious and the hinted manipulation helped me solve remaining clues. I also realized one or two I thought were part of the six were in fact not. I still think both 8 and 19 work without manipulation!
32 of 49  -   Report This Post


3rd July 2024, 07:57
Thank you for the grid. Most helpful as I have an almost genius level ability to cock-up transferring the blanks in a grid onto squared paper. Once I got going all went smoothly until the last pair when I spent hours oozlum-birding my way around them. Eventually the blessed Bob Blackman came to my aid, Thanks again.
33 of 49  -   Report This Post


3rd July 2024, 12:59
Hi! I finished it all by yesterday, except for 3D and 14A, one of which is one to be manipulated. I suspect the former, which seems unlikely as it is seven letters long. Is 14A two words? Any hints would be welcomed.
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3rd July 2024, 13:08
3d is thematic, and 14a is one word.

in 3d, "5" refers to (a property of) the numeral 5 and not clue #5.
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3rd July 2024, 13:08
Your suspicion is correct and no 14a is one word.
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3rd July 2024, 13:30
Thanks,m all. I shall have another think.
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3rd July 2024, 16:33
Yes, thanks Buddy and Jono. I have 3D now, but cannot fathom 14A at all. I suppose it's a loose definition of the first two words, but, heigh-ho, there's only one word that fits, so ...
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3rd July 2024, 20:12
I've completed this and identified all the words with misprints but there are still a couple where I can't decide what the corrected word should be: 20D and 24D. Any hints?
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3rd July 2024, 20:40
In 20d the misprint is in the wordplay. Solution parses as 4,3.
In 24d the misprint is in the definition. Solution parses as 1,4.

Hope that’s enough to get you over the line.
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