Hi Chris
At least our plumber knew what to do straight away. I found him via the internet. What a wonderful tool.
Anyway, I may have finished, though I'm doubtful about a lot of my answers. I put circles round the clue numbers in the newspaper when I'm not sure I've got them right. I have circles round 17ac (not sure what Brendan's misdirection has to do with it), 26ac (not sure about first four letters despite hint above), 3d (not sure where first letter comes from), 6d (not sure about letters in the middle), 18d (can't parse), 22d (can't parse) and 24d (again can't parse).
In conclusion, I don't find Brendan easy and don't enjoy solving his crosswords.
FOI 9ac, LOI 18d and COD 20ac - though the clue annoyed me. No laughs this week.