The clues...
Requests for help should normally include the clue itself, the number of letters in the answer, and details of any you already have. Any additional information or special instructions, common in Listener puzzles, should also be included.
Hints only, please, no answers.
The theme...
Help towards the theme may also be sought here. The help should be of the 'gentle but useful' type, just a nudge, a pointer in the right direction. What shouldn't be given is anything thematic that would spoil the puzzle for others. Any posts which, even inadvertently, reveal too much of the theme are likely to be removed.
The Listener is a unique puzzle and should be treated with respect.
As this is the last Listener of 2023, I'd like to wish all Forum members another year of happy, challenging, satisfying solving.
PS An early start for the thread, I won't be around later.