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2nd September 2023, 08:43
Morning all.

Completely stuck on 7d. I have: _E_M_E which I'm hoping is right, as the crossers seem totally sensible.

Any hints would be most helpful and welcome.

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2nd September 2023, 08:48
Hi Niko, your crossers are correct. Not a word I’ve come across and Brendan said the same earlier, but you can construct it from the wordplay as two letters for “setter’s” going in both directions, then the usual “that’s”
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2nd September 2023, 08:51
Thank you Jono. Have just googled it. Always nice to learn a new word on a Saturday. :)
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2nd September 2023, 08:55
Some really tricky parsing and, for once, I see the theme (Qaos always has a theme). But only when I’d finished!
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2nd September 2023, 08:59
Same here Ianwil. Not sure how many entries are thematic, I count at least 12, but likely more.
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2nd September 2023, 09:14
I am finished except for 3d (I have: _N_F) and 24d (I have: R_M_N_

All help and hints would be gratefully received.

It was a fun puzzle, and not too difficult, but those two have me completely stumped. Perhaps my crossers are wrong??

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2nd September 2023, 09:18
Thanks simond9x. Hadn't solved that one. Still searching for Jono's theme.
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2nd September 2023, 09:22
Neko, Your N is wrong in 3. It’s an old word and solution is hidden but not in an obvious way. For 24 think biblically…
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2nd September 2023, 09:23
Rocky, read your answers to 26a, 18, 24, then look for more of those…
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2nd September 2023, 09:23

24d is a book (Biblical)
3d I have ?E?F

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