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10th August 2023, 11:53
Sorry, correction to notation @49. Line 3 should be p1p1p1p1.
51 of 274  -   Report This Post


10th August 2023, 12:03
Oh dear! Now correcting the correction @50. Line 3 should be

I had just wrongly added p in the original @49
52 of 274  -   Report This Post


10th August 2023, 12:54
Thanks, paul.
Having been told there was a winning line, the first candidate move I considered actually worked.
My condolences, both in terms of the result and because the sequence starting with 25. e6 fe6 would have been aesthetically pleasing.
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10th August 2023, 13:00
Well done (I assume), geeker. I played the automatic recapture 26 Rxe6? then immediately saw what I'd missed, but after Black's 26...Bg7 the chance was gone.
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10th August 2023, 13:11
I didn't want to give a spoiler, but going from the mention of 26...Bg7 I'm confident in my solution.
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12th August 2023, 02:12
In the FIDE World Cup (Baku), tomorrow sees the start of the titanic round of 16 knockout clash Carlsen-Ivanchuk!

Classical time control games Saturday and Sunday, tie-breaks if necessary Monday.
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12th August 2023, 02:24
I'm a Chucky fan so am really looking forward to it although I don't think he will defeat MC, although I thought that about young Vincent and he came pretty close!
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12th August 2023, 02:37
Does the fact that MC is competing mean that, should he finish in the top 3, he will try to win back his World Championship crown?
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12th August 2023, 02:48
I don't think so. In recent interviews, Carlsen has asserted that he dislikes "classical chess" and has no interest in competing in the WC at that time control.

I get the impression MC's competing in the World Cup because it's one of the few tournaments he's never won. Commentators have suggested that, but I can't recall whether it was explicitly stated.

Being a cynic, I also wonder whether sponsorship or appearance money could be involved. 🤔
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12th August 2023, 14:52

Since no one else bit on your game position,

26. Rd4xd5 clearing the long diagonal looks strong. Immediate recapture fails to 27. Qd4 with crushing battery on the long diagonal. There are several better defensive tries, but White gets a big advantage in all.
The double clearance of 25. e6 and 26. Rd5 is very nice!
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