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2nd August 2023, 08:41
Hi brendan and geeker @27-29.
Yes, the link to the 0-65 is messy and the navigation is difficult. There is a line with a choice of round numbers. Sometimes clicking on the result between names brings up the board. I did manage to get to my Rd 3 game v Morley and scroll through. I am fairly sure I was on the 'live' boards only in Rd 1 v Chapman, Rd 3 v Morley and Rd 7 v Ramage. Possibly Rd 4 v Kelly.

jigjag @26
Amazing to hear the connections with those strong players in your area. I had never registered Steve Jones before. In the commentary room he said he had come actually bottom of the 2022 British Ch.! Manchester G.S. is a typical hothouse for chess, though high academic intellect isn't always a guarantee of chess talent. In my teaching career we had a boy who went on to get a first in maths at Cambridge. He tried chess and was useless. Of course you had Nigel Short from that area too.
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3rd August 2023, 22:35
Spent an enjoyable afternoon watching the Bullet Chess Championship - some really great games and I especially like it because you get to see actual checkmates 😀
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3rd August 2023, 22:43

Bullet is cool but just too fast for me to keep up with...both brain and eyesight! I'm amazed by how well people can play at that time control.

For something very different, I briefly check on the "Pog Champs 5" on Extremely weak chessplayers and obnoxious personalities ("famous streamers", whatever those are) playing a rapid (blitz tiebreaks) KO tournament.
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3rd August 2023, 23:20
Hi Geeker,

It's way too fast for me as well so I have to keep pressing pause and going back to see what just happened. The commentators will say something like "oh no, he's missed it and blundered a piece" and I'm thinking "wait, who missed what and what just happened?" and before I've even gone back to rewatch it, they've started a new game!
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3rd August 2023, 23:29
I'm also a bit fuzzy on the rules.
If I'm up on material but I haven't managed to checkmate you before my clock runs out, does that mean I lose?
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3rd August 2023, 23:47
Absolutely! The clock is a big part of the game at super-fast time controls and "flagging" is a critical strategy. The "dirty flag", where one plays on in a hopeless position until the opponent's clock runs out, is essential (in blitz as well for some). Different mindset which doesn't appeal to me, but then I don't try bullet.
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3rd August 2023, 23:56
Thanks Geeker, I did wonder if that's what was happening but it was all being done at such high speeds I wasn't sure.
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4th August 2023, 02:55
Brendan, there are some bizarre aspects to bullet chess.

The "premove", where you move in response to a yet-to-be-made opponent's move, is key but has some obvious setbacks.

Very funny is the "Lefong", named after popular chess streamer Lefong Hua. White opens 1. d4 g6 2. Bh6?!?!. If Black has premoved the KB fianchetto, 3. Bxg7+- follows. It's not rare.

See for instance
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4th August 2023, 18:24
Thanks for that link Geeker, I've just played a few games of 1+0 (lost them all, obv) but good fun nevertheless:-)
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5th August 2023, 01:21
I was just looking through YouTube and the Budapest Trap (mate in 6) came up - do you know it?
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