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22nd July 2023, 01:02
It's one of the most famous chess games.

Nezhmetdinov was an enigmatic player who has a legion of fans because he was a great master of the initiative and sacrifices. It's worth seeking out a collection of his games.

Agadmator definitely has covered Polu-Nezh and many other spectacular Nezh games.
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22nd July 2023, 01:16
I thought the game looked familiar so checked my history in YouTube and realised I watched the game on 11th March 2021 - worth another look though:-)
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22nd July 2023, 01:19
My mistake, the game I saw in 2021 was Nezhmetdinov vs Chernikov but is titled "The Greatest Queen Sacrifice in Chess History".

You're no doubt familiar with it Geeker:-)
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22nd July 2023, 01:31
Yes, I was going to mention the Chernikov clash but passed, since it's also prominent on Agadmator's page. It figures in other interesting Youtube videos, e.g.

I bought Alex Pishkin's game collection book Super Nezh back when it was published in the '90s, and played through all the games.
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26th July 2023, 02:55
I stumbled across the blitz game on YouTube and thought you guys might enjoy it:-)
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26th July 2023, 06:46
Yes indeed, Brendan. I particularly liked the way Kasparov had time to play Kg7 then Kg8 at the height of his attack.
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26th July 2023, 10:01
Thanks, Brendan. I remember that tournament.
Unfortunately for Garry Kimovich (I was hoping for a heroic comeback), the next day he suffered a spectacular reversal:

(I've posted this before, but it's an impressive game)
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27th July 2023, 01:30
Indeed Paul, it was very impressive how patient Gary was while all the time turning the screw.

Thanks Geeker, I liked Gary's comment about feeling like one of Morphy's victims.

I don't really understand what So gained by giving up his Knight on e5 - although he won so obviously it worked:-)
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29th July 2023, 02:05
He Guys (and Guyesses),

I've been looking for a new Chess channel on Youtube as I've got a bit tired with Agadmator. Truth is, one of my pet hates is people constantly umming and ahing as they're talking and yes, I know English isn't his first language, but he is fluent and, at the end of the day, these are videos not live TV - so sorry but no excuse.

I then checked a few more but they either had the same problem or, just as annoying, they spend half the video telling you why they made it and this and that and... - OMG who cares!

I eventually stumbled upon ChessNetwork - the guy gets straight into the match and seems to know his stuff. I've already watched his Byrne v Fischer Game of the Century and thoroughly enjoyed it. He's from Pennsylvania and a self-taught National Master. - are you familiar with his channel?

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29th July 2023, 02:22
I'm not familiar with ChessNetwork.

For commented games, I think Sam Copeland is pretty good. He did a bunch of videos on "10 best games" of various decades. Those I've seen I've enjoyed. He has far fewer videos than Antonio (agadmator), though.
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