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14th November 2023, 21:17
That was a terrific, thanks Geeker and also a weird coincidence - earlier in the evening I'd gone on YouTube and in my suggestions was the final game from The Queen's Gambit between Anya Taylor-Joy and Victor Borgov/Spassky. With that having whetted my appetite I rewatched Agadmator's review of the game and then came on here to see your link to this other Spassky game!

Hi Paul, thanks for that link. The games aren't up yet but I'll check back periodically.
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14th November 2023, 23:02
Brendan @150. The Div 3 Knights games were uploaded by this morning (Tuesday). For some reason Round 11 is at the top, so you have to scroll down to Rounds 2 and 1 at the bottom. Just above the board there is a Select Game option to click. I was totally lost in Rd 2 but my opponent let me off the hook.
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14th November 2023, 23:35
Thanks Paul, I've been clicking on that link but just keep getting a page with CHYBA and ERROR in red - maybe there's a more recent link?
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15th November 2023, 06:24
Hi Brendan @152
Yes, link is no good.
Best is to Google 4NCL chess then PGNs/Replays

Click replay for Div 3 Knights (only Rounds 1 and 2 played so far).

Then you can select any game from that division.

Of course you can navigate to any other division, though I haven't checked if all games have yet been inputted.
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16th November 2023, 03:52
Pretty solution to this "bonus puzzle of the day":
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16th November 2023, 11:23
Thanks Geeker, I loved how the Q kept dropping back one square to sustain the checks.

This popped up in my YouTube shorts, it's pretty good...

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16th November 2023, 12:07
Wow, thanks. But I can't decipher the name of the Black player in order to look up the game. White is Nijat Abasov.

The 2 famous catastrophes I recall are:

Zapata-Anand (Anand copied the opening from a published game that had ended in a "prearranged draw", but sadly it was unsound):

Christiansen-Karpov (blunder):
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16th November 2023, 12:20
Brendan, I found the game (Abasov-Brunello).
It didn't end in the manner shown by Rozman, because Black realized he'd fallen into a trap.

(see comments there)
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16th November 2023, 14:38
More on prearranged draws and perils of blind copying:

(I once spent a silly amount of time researching that 6. Nxf7 sac from Zaitsev-Karpov, stupidly never suspecting it was a bogus game!)
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19th November 2023, 03:43
Thanks Geeker, I enjoyed that first one but the second one got a bit too complicated for me and I couldn't follow what was going on.

Have you been watching the European Team Champion, Magnus just sacrificed his Q for 2 minor pieces as black - game ended in a draw but a very exciting one:-)
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