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17th October 2023, 04:38
Sadly, it appears the colo(u)rful "Ginger GM" Simon Williams is a crook 😭:

900 kiloquid is a lot of Chessable courses and "Winning with the Dutch" videos. 🤣
In the USA, one would expect an imminent declaration of bankruptcy (to duck the payments). I don't know how things work in the UK.
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17th October 2023, 04:41
Apologies, I read too fast, the sum is actually "over £730,000 (currently roughly $890k)".

Not quite so many "Win with the XYZ Gambit!" videos.
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17th October 2023, 05:35
Wow! Thanks for that bit of news Geeker, that is really quite shocking.

Makes my post criticising his faux cockney affectation pale into insignificance!

I am a tad puzzled by his statement though, on the one hand he says he accepts full responsibility and wants to come to a resolution with those affected, but on the other says he doesn't agree with the findings and has already started an appeal.

Although if, as seems to be the case that, as a chess GM he was too stupid to know what was going on, I don't rate his chances.
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17th October 2023, 05:51
This is a quote from the Financial Times dated 8th January 2020

Mr Williams added: “Despite unfounded allegations and speculation directed at me, there has never been any criminal/legal investigation sought against any parties in respect of this structure. Furthermore, I have never been and do not believe that the authorities have ever deemed me to be a key individual in the structure.”

...and from the link you shared dated 16th October 2023

GM Simon Williams has been found liable by the Deputy Pensions Ombudsman in the U.K. and ordered to repay over £730,000 (currently roughly $890k) to a pension scheme of which he was the sole trustee.
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17th October 2023, 14:18
Good win by Fabi against young Mishra to clinch the US Championship.
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17th October 2023, 17:24
Agreed, Brendan. Deserved title for Caruana.

I have been impressed by Mishra's fighting chess and demeanor in post-game interviews throughout this Championship.

Frankly, I was previously not a Mishra fan. I am sceptical of the "World's Youngest (insert chess title)" thing, because many of the requisite norms are earned in dodgy "norm factory" tournaments. Plus I felt he was milking that title, as opposed to Elo rating, to get invitations to prestigious tournaments. But events have proven that I was too negative, and I'm now following his games with interest.
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17th October 2023, 17:52
Fascinating Fischeriana video from IM Sal Matera (old-time NYC player and frequent Fischer opponent):
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24th October 2023, 21:24
FIDE Grand Swiss tournament on Isle of Man starts tomorrow, 25 Oct!

11 rounds, "classical" time control, big prize fund and possible qualification for Candidates.

I am delighted that Peter Leko and Jan Gustafsson (among others) will be commentators.
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29th October 2023, 10:56
A meaning I’ve not seen before…

22. US grass snitches secretly in part (5)

(Today’s Azed)

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11th November 2023, 01:40
What do you think of MC's h3 opening ?
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