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23rd September 2023, 21:24
[Added] I actually think last year's Nakamura-Carlsen SCC final (which Nakamura won in an Armageddon game iirc) was even more epic than yesterday's, but they were both classic / epic / trot out your favourite cliche.
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26th September 2023, 03:31
Tonight's puzzle position.
It's not that difficult, but a truly beautiful checkmating pattern which I'd never seen before.
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26th September 2023, 23:37
Spot on Geeker, a thing of real beauty.

I've just been catching up with AI Cup games and seen MC miss a forced mate in 3 against Nepo in Game 2 - the reaction from Magnus when he finally sees it is priceless!
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26th September 2023, 23:39
.... plus, in Game 1 the eval bar was almost at 8 in MC's favour and he only drew!!
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27th September 2023, 04:06
Brendan, I had little time to watch chess today, but large chunks of MC-Nepo games 1 and 2 were basically my viewing.

I tuned in just at the moment of the missed checkmate. I think it was mate in 3 only if White accepted the offered Qg5, and mate in 5 with best defense by White.

The highest evaluation during my game 1 watching was around +5, but White was only up by one pawn. The modern computers are so strong that their evaluations are often beyond my comprehension, and this was one of those cases. I saw the extra pawn and a significant White initiative, but could not visualize a winning line! In such instances I'm inclined to think the position is holdable with "tenacious D" (US musical reference), and that turned out to be the case.

I have to cut Ian some slack, because he played those AI Cup games right after the final 4 games of the "Levitov Chess Week" rapid tournament in Amsterdam, which he won by a clear 2 points with 12.5/18! I believe he had to miss the Levitov closing ceremony.
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3rd October 2023, 03:04
Amazing game in World Girls Junior Championship.

Black, trailing by 1 point in the final round, had to win. She offered to play the Benoni, but White played an anti-Benoni line and the opening transposed to a Maroczy Bind formation vs. a Sicilian Hedgehog.

Black sac'd a Pawn for decent compensation and built up a strong attacking formation. Just before time control she played a spectacular Q sacrifice and White went wrong in complications.

Black won the tournament!
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3rd October 2023, 03:46
Thanks Geeker, that was good.

It looked so natural for the N to take the sac'd Q but I suppose that's what Candela was banking on.

Coincidentally, just 10 minutes before I saw your post I was watching Marshall's famous Q sac against Levitsy - the one where "gold coins were tossed onto the board" - although I think that's of dubious veracity.
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5th October 2023, 19:40

In the European Club Cup today, young German GM Vincent Keymer made the principled decision to essay the Najdorf against Carlsen's 1. e4 (VK is a Najdorf player).

It didn't work out. 😁 Things went downhill for Black after the pretty 12. Nf5 (1-0, 29).

Commentaries will likely appear on the usual websites.
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5th October 2023, 20:20
Didn't take long...
agadmator has already opined that "No One will Play the Najdorf Ever Again!"
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15th October 2023, 08:44
From today’s Azed…

15. Lizzie was champing at the bit for Rev. William in chequer design (10)
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