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david w

5th December 2021, 13:02
Thanks jazzgirl. I perhaps should have known that since for a time I dealt with citrus fruit for the Min of Ag! However it was only the more recent hybrids which were identified as such in the Customs Tariff.
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5th December 2021, 13:09
Tx Jazzgirl. I didn't notice when I typed in 21 that it didn't fit with 13d. I mistake that couldn't have happened with pen and paper. Now feel a bit of a 17.
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5th December 2021, 13:17
fop I've done a similar thing ...Pleased it's now sorted 🤗
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5th December 2021, 13:21
fop, I often transpose letters when doing crosswords on my tablet. It really annoys me!
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5th December 2021, 14:15
Ooh - just got 17a after studying the forum. Nice!!
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5th December 2021, 15:39
Many years ago. I submitted a test exercise that I couldn't quite solve to my Maths teacher. He wrote "17 finish it!" on the bottom of my paper, joined up writing, with an exaggerated space between the middle two letters. I'm still not sure if he meant it as encouragement that I was close or disgust at my inability to finish it.
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5th December 2021, 21:04
I thought this was really enjoyable, thanks Everyman. I thought 25a was the best clue I've seen in a while and COD over many other good ones.
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6th December 2021, 02:17
I was confused about 3d, too, but I think I figured it out. The verb "is" is part of the wordplay and the homophone is a present-tense verb related to a sport conducted on the water. Hope that helps.
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