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5th December 2021, 00:40
A relative breeze compared to yesterday's Guardian Prize. Several anagrams and at first glance, only one "initial pairing." FOI 14a LOI 25a (new to me). COD's... Probably 4d and 9a. Thanks, Everyman for all the fun.
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5th December 2021, 01:29
I managed to complete before bed, which is a first for me

25a I had to Google. 9a seems a bit simplistic, and I can't parse the first half of the 17a clue

Other than that straight forward fun. And time for some sleep as early hours here now :)
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5th December 2021, 01:45
Hi Warden 17a is a double definition. First part is two words. Upon reflection maybe 19a should be my COD.
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5th December 2021, 01:50
17a: split it as 2, 2. Then it means last.
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5th December 2021, 01:58
Thanks to Everyman. Fun puzzle, maybe not quite up to the level of the last three, which were outstanding.
17 was my COD! Also liked 6 and 21 (good surfaces) and 11.
FOI 2. LOI 8, which took a long time to figure out.
Didn't see any alliterations or rhyming pairs (not counting the 2 downs with identical 3-letter endings). But some other traditions: "primarily", homophone, foreign phrase.
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5th December 2021, 03:42
I thought this was not too difficult, except for 7d. I’ve been sitting here trying to figure it out longer than I spent on all the others.
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5th December 2021, 05:02
7d Anagram.
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5th December 2021, 06:55
Very enjoyable I thought. Wasn’t sure if 4d should be ‘eating’ or ‘eaten by’, though the surface wouldn’t work in that case, but I might be missing something.
There is a connection between the two long down clues, two things often combined in an expression (which is in Chambers), or indeed a cosmetic product, though I doubt that was the intended reference ;-)
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5th December 2021, 07:40
Record time of about 35 minutes to finish FOI 15a LOI 11a COD for me is 4d. As usual I think the primarily is a waste of brain power. Though I suppose its fun for the setter. Agree not as good as the last 2 to 3 weeks but still fun to do. Thanks Everyman. Nice to have power and water back on and tinternet.
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5th December 2021, 08:40
7 & 8 That's a great spot of the link, Jono. I never would have twigged that one ... but then I've little need of the product 🙂
COD 18D - very neat, lovely surface.
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