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7th November 2021, 17:05
Thank you all for your hints. It’s taken me a good long while to complete but can now parse them all. Final penny drop was the rich man in 3d. Doh!
Would only have got about half a dozen clues without your help. Have learned lots. I’m a sporadic crossworder, Saturday guardian only, so this forum is brilliant. 😊
81 of 85  -   Report This Post


7th November 2021, 20:48
Yesterday I discovered Hero was a girl, how sexist of me to assume otherwise ;)
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8th November 2021, 12:16
15 was way in for me. Being a left footer helped.
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8th November 2021, 19:56
Sorry to be so late putting this in.
This was a hard puzzle.
I struggled for hours, and then once the theme was obvious I could leap ahead.
Could not have done it though, without this blog.
Many thanks.
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10th November 2021, 07:43
Thanks everyone. I was about to give up on Sunday as I had only managed to solve two clues, but kept going as so many of you said how much you’d enjoyed it - and shared some hints.
Finally finished it yesterday (Tuesday).
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