What my final grid contains, after a careful reading of the preamble, is JUST the 42 cells that formed the LTL characters, and which contain mostly the letters that were in the various solutions that ran across these 42 cells plus a few cells that got letters filled in to complete the “descriptions” and all of which are now also highlighted, and also the five-letter word which I have written in to what seems approximately the right place, plus a rough sketch of the ring in what seems approximately its right place.
I’m assuming that having the right word and ring in roughly the right sort of place will be counted as correct.
All the remainder of my grid contains the barely visible rubbed out remains of the letters that were there. Each of those letters was the result of so much blood, toil, sweat and tears that rubbing so much of it out at the end was genuinely painful. Now for a huuuge G&T :-)