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4th October 2020, 09:01
Ha! That’s a very good point Richard
11 of 55  -   Report This Post


4th October 2020, 09:02
The only clue I needed help (i.e. a list) with was 21d - shows my lack of interest in such things! As well as a "primarily" clue (18d) Everyman usually has a couple of long "linked" clues - probably 11 and 20a, which rhyme (sort of).
12 of 55  -   Report This Post


4th October 2020, 09:28
I'm still stuck in the SE corner today with five left.... Time to put it down and come back later with fresh eyes and brain. 21d and 22d should be straightforward but I just can't see them yet!

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4th October 2020, 09:36
Very good. But I won't continue to divert this forum onto other subjects ( just personally switching from crossword to crossed fingers).
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4th October 2020, 09:39
Good and not easy. I note the praise for 5d - if I've got the answer right I've no idea of the parsing (my definition is "pair")
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4th October 2020, 09:41
Ianwil - the primarily is as straightforward as one would expect. Normally I don't like them, but this one works well 18d. 21d if I have it right is also the surname of a US singer songwriter. Think piano.
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4th October 2020, 09:50
Thanks Yevrah but I already had solved that one (with the help of a list of relevant books).
Chrise - think of teenagers who dress in black, plus a two letter expression of pain plus T for time, then reverse ("get up") the lot
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4th October 2020, 09:52
Thanks Ianwil. Never heard of those teenagers. I thought the ones who dressed in black were Goths!
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4th October 2020, 09:55
Having skimmed Wiki's long article, apart from the dubious citing of Pet Sounds as the origin, the single band mentioned I've heard of is Nirvana, and I've never heard any of their music!
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4th October 2020, 10:22
Morning All
Can anyone help with parsing 21D? I have the answer, I think; indeed, it was one of my first ones in (decided to start in SE corner for a change this week!). I thought the parsing would eventually occur to me, but the more I look at it, the less the answer seems to bear any relation to 'Essentially meddlesome: drink rejected'!
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