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4th October 2020, 00:49
This is one of the best Everyman crosswords I've ever done.

Be warned, though - it is much, much more difficult than usual, but pays the solver back in spades with some intricate, devious and witty cluing.

My FOI (First One In) was 2d, quickly followed by 6a. It was about this time that I realised it was going to be much more of a challenge than I'd expected.

There are some anagrams, but far fewer than most weeks and also an initial letters clue - but even that has a slight twist to it.

There really are some cracking clues. 5d for example and 20a which both have as smooth a surface as you're likely to see.

COD (Clue Of the Day) so many to choose from - 19a, 13d, the aforementioned 5d and 20a, but I'm going with 1a which is just excellent.

I predict this thread will become quite busy over the course of day, so if you need a hint or can help a fellow solver out, please feel free to join in our friendly Everyman discussion.

Stay safe:-)
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4th October 2020, 02:56
Yes, it was a bit difficult, but with many good clues. I liked the parsing in 26a, though I could get the answer only from crossers.
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4th October 2020, 03:01
Hi Mathi,

Yeah, 26a is excellent with a really clever and devious use of "Rock Hudson".
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4th October 2020, 03:10
Agreed, 5d was my favourite when the penny dropped, Hard yet fun.
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4th October 2020, 03:29
Hi Clark,

5d made me think of an episode of South Park where parents would send their ??? children to a special 're-education' camp:-)
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4th October 2020, 06:38
Morning all,
I agree with your summary Brendan. Lots to like here. 11a, 12d and 24a were some of my favourites. I’m a little perplexed by 1d, that is assuming I have it right, is it supposed to be a double definition? Perhaps it just needs a ? or ‘suit for example’. I spent ages trying to devise wordplay from 75,000 before the penny dropped... Wikipedia have a slightly different number I notice! Just the one rhyming pair this week as far as I can see.
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4th October 2020, 06:48
Hi Jono,

I see what you mean about 1d - I'd just thought it was a double definition, with the suit referring to a lawsuit but, looking at it again, if you put the answer after "suit" you get what a "salesman might travel with" - be interesting to see what others make of it.
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4th October 2020, 06:52
Ah, I hadn’t thought of lawsuit, that works better I think.
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4th October 2020, 08:16
Morning all, agree with all the comments, no idea how I finished this, must have some wrong but I've certainly filled all the spaces with letters that make sense to me! It was very good with great clues. COD for me is 11a. As for 3d, its going to be pretty empty this afternoon, lets hope the hosts end up empty handed COYS. Still staying safe. Perhaps government's rules should be less cryptic than Everyman.
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4th October 2020, 08:58
23ac - having one of these won’t help you beat poker rivals. Spotting it in others will.

Overall a great week, though.
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