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29th August 2020, 06:53
Don't see any posts up for this puzzle, but I suppose it is a bit of a slog.

Struggling a bit to parse one or two but my main gripe would be a couple of clues where you don't know whether or not to include in the 29 count. As far as I can tell the answer is no, the 29 are clear enough once you have them all. I think.
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29th August 2020, 10:36
Puzzled by 7dn. The answer on the grid is 7 letters long but the letter count in the clue is 5,2: 7. Struggling to find the 29 definition.
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29th August 2020, 10:37
sorry should have read 9 dn not 7dn
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29th August 2020, 10:40
is the answer to 24dn welsh? If so I may have cracked the theme.
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29th August 2020, 10:53
9d: read alternate letters in the clue. Chambers defines both versions as the same.
29d: it is an anagram, for an power producing device.
24d: yes, it is In Wales.
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29th August 2020, 10:56
Thanks Mathi for your help
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29th August 2020, 10:58
29d: an energy producing device.
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29th August 2020, 12:33
Anyone able to help with 26a? Last one in, but brain has frozen!
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29th August 2020, 12:42
Maskelyne that would be a reverse concealed one I believe.
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29th August 2020, 12:47
Ouch. Often miss the HAs. Thank you Jafo!
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