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11th August 2020, 14:10
Hi Ros
I was asked a few years ago to try and solve a family problem where someone had been shot. The woman had no idea who her father was and there was no marriage record in the GRO. I did eventually find her father (then deceased) the days before DNA was used in such cases. It was a very tricky case and involved asking questions of quite a few people in the area who knew of the shooting. I still have the messages which were sent between me and one other . Very
complicated to explain on here :)
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11th August 2020, 14:27
Thanks Rosalind - I`ve learned not to assume too much from member names - silly me thought Hannah was a she, when in fact she`s a he!
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11th August 2020, 16:17
Here’s one I think does cross the line, in a fun way, it’s by Myops in the Wee Stinker, sadly he’s passed away
G-GAG (5,8)
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11th August 2020, 19:04
Hannah's male- well, I never! Though it is, of course, a surname. Rosalind is what I wish I had been called, but I do like to answer to Ros (as Jazzgirl knows!)

Jazzgirl- that sounds most intriguing and well done you. I find digitized newspapers astonishing. DNA results quite often confounding as well- someone I know who thought his father was from E Euopean had not a single EE gene.
I was pleased to discover 3% Norwegian- Viking ancestry no doubt
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12th August 2020, 07:21
Took me a long time to crack top right of Tuesday's Times, especially
Doctor frees police up (8) when I had M-----E-

Because UP can mean OVER (eg time's up) I was trying to make MAKEOVER work, especially as it's close to doctor in a sense.

However, MOUNTIES was a nice reminder of UP = on a horse. I remember racing commentators and phrases like 'Shergar with Scobie Breasley up'.
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12th August 2020, 07:41
Thanks paulh, what a brilliant clue! A new pair of words/phrases for my book (both "up" and "mounted on horse" will go in).
I plan never, ever to be up again, having spent many weeks in hospital as a result of coming down!

Hailstones last night. And rain. Hallelujah!
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17th August 2020, 13:33
Interesting use of “cats” in the Guardian today. Especially having interpreted the meaning you then had to make an anagram. Does a plural imply just two of something? I’ve seen ‘news’ indicating NN which is similar I suppose
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17th August 2020, 13:42
Full clue...
Cats love playing a bit of music (7)
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17th August 2020, 19:20
I would have preferred two cats playing.
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17th August 2020, 19:39
My thoughts exactly, also it’s a nice image!
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