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1st August 2020, 15:05
Remember that old riddle: When is an eagle not an eagle? When it has a misprint in the fourth letter! (If necessary, look up the final letter in Chambers.)
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1st August 2020, 15:07
I think even the web was redundant this week - the two main reference books give everything required (such generosity is extremely rare!).
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1st August 2020, 15:15
Thanks Malone. Hmm...the last 5 misprints look erm...interesting. a-googling we go!
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1st August 2020, 15:18
You're welcome, granama. I didn't bother with the 'information', it wasn't strictly necessary.
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1st August 2020, 15:36
It's amazing, I had exactly the same trouble parsing 18d as Granama, I had the right definition and knew the fish, but I couldn't figure out how the last part worked - I didn't bother looking up it's meaning in Chambers, I mean - it's the most common word in the English language so what's the point? It was only when Jif73 said to look it up that i finally saw it! - Will I never learn!? 😡
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1st August 2020, 16:27
Mmmmm. While last weeks Listener was a work of art, this is just a bit of nonsense.
Quite enjoyed it - but not for long.....
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1st August 2020, 23:58
Having collected the paper this morning, it was quite good (after the last couple of weeks) to have a straight-forward fill - Unfortunately it left me (a life-long Spurs supporter) with no excuse not to watch the cup final with my 'gooner' wife...
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2nd August 2020, 08:48
Quite good fun, made even funnier by my initial, sloppy selection of 'n' as the misprint in 22d which led down a rabbit hole to a Berlin/Nairobi musical collaboration started at the Goethe Institute. Pretty sure Goethe never wrote couplets like these!
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2nd August 2020, 09:56
Nice to have an easy one after the last few weeks. The only problem I had was that I kept putting the “correct” letters down instead of the “incorrect” ones, leading me to nonsense. Still, I can now go back to last weeks puzzle where I have only a handful of answers, and only a handful of letters entered. Congratulations to all who finished that one. I think it’s beyond me.
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2nd August 2020, 12:31
At long last an easy one - completed by lunchtime Sunday and looking forward to a gin and tonic to toast the Gunners. (Sorry crates: I took my two pups there regularly many years ago and one of them has ended up working at the Emirates!)

Having said all that I found 15 across and 20 across difficult to parse. Could someone give me the correct letters for 15 and 20? Is 15 about punishment?

Many thanks to all. I am so sorry the AZED dinner has been cancelled.
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