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6th June 2020, 11:28
As the error highlighted by Gitto is less than 0.4%, I’m sure
JG will not have his microscope out if you sketch a nice curve from the first to third letters right between the two identical ones. But a line not a highlighter this time I think! 😉
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6th June 2020, 11:29
I'm with gitto as far as the seventh cell of the 27 is concerned. Ditto for the third (although drawing through either it or the higher one do not really accord with the maps I have seen)?
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6th June 2020, 12:16
Firstly, I am so glad that I did not upset Loge. Secondly, if a reasonable curve is deemed incorrect because the wrong cell is used, then the puzzle should have been about greyhound racing so that it could be paired alongside that bloody hare - and yes, that puzzle still riles me as it seemed to transgress normal rules.
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6th June 2020, 14:14
Got everything except for the significance of the number of the dummy clue and the numbers of the swapped pair with the largest numerical difference. As far as I can tell, it does not matter, but for the sake of completeness, it would be nice to know what they mean.
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6th June 2020, 14:24
Hard to answer that without direct spoilers, 0pt0, but the specific occasion of the event does have its own Wikipedia page. If you have the name of the successful participant, you should find where the numbers fit in.
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6th June 2020, 14:25
OptO .The numbers tell you field size, year and odds
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6th June 2020, 14:28
Opto - don't want to give too much away but the dummy clue number is the number it wore and put a dash between the numbers with the big difference to get their significance.

Enjoyed that very much. Promising debut, if debut it is.

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6th June 2020, 14:30
Although I agree the ambiguity with the seventh letter of the message is unfortunate.
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6th June 2020, 14:31
Now my reply to 0pt0 looks rather mean! I took the dummy clue number to be the winner’s position on the card. Incidentally the answer to the dummy clue describes exactly my reaction to these events, but by no means this crossword!
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6th June 2020, 14:49
Same here, Loge!
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